Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Library

I passed a billboard yesterday that said, " Read to your children for 15 minutes each day." CRAP!! I sure hope I haven't done any serious harm! I usually read to my kids for at least an hour a day. Oh well, they won't like it, but I guess we will have to cut back. I always do what billboards tell me to...

Anyway, we own an enormous number of books but after a million readings, they do get a little stale. I could never buy enough books to keep any of us happy, so we go to the library regularly.

The library is a great resource for more than just books. We also borrow stories on CD for those long trips and books & cartridges for Lydia's Leap Pad. Our library also loans music CDs, videos and DVDs.

Here are a couple of tips to make the most of your trip to the library:

Check out the maximum # of items each time. You may be surprised at what a high number it is! In our area it is 50 per library card.

Keep borrowed items for maximum number of days. This will cut down on the number of trips you make and the amount of gas you use! If you check out the max. # of items, you will have plenty to last. Here the lending period is 21 days. Check with your local library to see what yours is.

Electronic Reminders. Visit your library's website to see if they offer automatic reminders for return dates. Our library sends out a reminder 3 days before materials are due. So far, this has helped us avoid all late charges, yay!

Designated spot for library books. Keep your library books in one spot! We have a basket under a table. Any books that don't fit in the basket can be kept neatly behind it. This saves a lot of time a stress when the time comes to return them.

Keep your receipt. I keep the receipt for the books we have borrowed at the bottom of the basket. If one goes missing, it is much easier to take inventory then ask the kids specifically for a book than to search willy-nilly for the illusive #50.


Kim said...

I like the idea about the basket for the books. I remember vividly searching high and low for missing titles when the kids were little. I order all the books I want online, place holds and then just go pick them up. So simple. There are a lot of titles our library doesn't have though which is kind of a pain.

Janet said...

You are a great mom and teacher! It's so sad how parents aren't able or are unwilling to read with their kids! I'll be tutoring 4th grade students who can barely read all week. They are thrilled to have someone just listen to them read. Sniff.

Your library sounds off the wall! :)

susie said...

I wasn't organized enough to have 100 or so library books in the house when you were a kid!!! We had to replace several books and pay many fines!!! I am glad that you are better at that!