Friday, July 31, 2009

Waxing Not So Poetic

Although I try my hardest, the voices in my head are often times more contentious than content. It suddenly seems that my house is too messy, the laundry is piled too high, my bank balance is too low. I hate my hair, my face, my clothes. I get bored of my music and my books. I don't want to leave the house & I hate the thought of staying home.

This kind of discontent usually leads me to some impulsive act that gets the issue out of my system for a while. I clean for a full day, I wear makeup, I order 20 books from the library, I splurge on new CDs. I've been known to shave my head and throw out all my clothes. Usually, my fixes are pretty harmless.

Unfortunately, for all involved, such a time has come upon me as of late.

The main focus of my dissatisfaction has been my hair. Hair, hair everywhere. The hair on my head is frizzy and falling out(happens after every pregnancy). The hair on every other part of my body has grown thick and full(happens during every pregnancy).

I tried to deal with the hair on my head in a rational manner. I paid for a haircut. I'm still not satisfied, but have let it go for now. If my hair is blue or pink or orange next time we meet, you know why!

The hair on my body was another matter. So, I decided it would be a great idea to wax! Now, I've never waxed a centimeter of my body before. Never even considered it. In fact, I have laughed at others for this. Sigh... I should have stuck with that instinct.

I was a bit appalled at the $10 price tag for the waxing kit from Target but I figured, "It'll be soooo easy and last soooo long. It'll be totally worth it!" Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The kids were all happily occupied yesterday morning so I decided the time had come to try it out. I microwaved the wax and snuck off to my bathroom. No sooner had I begun applying the horribly sticky, messy wax to my upper thigh than all 4 children decided they needed me. Of course.

Luckily, I guess, the sight of me on the floor spreading goop all over myself with a stick was enough to distract them from whatever it was they so desperately needed at the moment. But, that meant I had an audience.

Molly offered to help with a wicked gleam in her eye. I declined.

Lydia wanted a complete explanation and judged me. I explained in as teacher-like a way I could manage in such a situation. (Homeschool moment! "Mommy is suffering from low self-esteem. You want to write this down? E-S-T-E-E-M. It means confidence or satisfaction in oneself. Low self-esteem means..." ugh.)

Rowan bounced around the hot, drippy wax and laughed. I set up a perimeter.

Desmond sat happily unaware in his chair. At least I didn't have to answer to him.

My horrible little girls were delighted to realize the pain I was putting myself through as I applied a strip and tore the first patch of fur from my thigh. The shrieks and giggles were enough to make me regret I'd ever started this. But I am not a quitter & I don't like to admit I am wrong, so on I went.

As I neared the area of my leg closer to the crotch, I realized I should have taken my pants off. Yes, I now realize that is pretty obvious. But it didn't say it in the instructions! Ugh... I sure hope this crap comes off my favorite p.j.s in the wash!

So now the pants are off, giving the kids one more thing to laugh about. I complete the front of one leg and start on the back. The back... HOW AM I GOING TO REACH THE BACK?!?! I contort myself into some circus, yoga, pretzel pose and slap on the wax where ever it lands. Then the strip goes on. Sort of. It seems I have not applied the wax in a shape that conforms to my strip. I'll just have to do this quick and keep going before it hardens. I pull the strip as fast as I can and ...nothing. NOTHING! No disgustingly hairy patch on the strip! All the hair is right there on my leg!

Apparently, I have not pulled in the opposite direction of the hairs' growth as the directions have told me to. I realize I am going to have to figure out the direction of the hairs' growth on the back of my legs that has not been given any attention in 16 months. (I know this because my parents paid for me to get a massage 16 months ago and I didn't want to gross the masseuse so I Naired.)

Molly heads to her room to get a little mirror for me. So now I am pretzel-posed holding the waxy stick in one hand and the little mirror in the other. I think I am going to cry. The hair does not go one way. It goes every way!

Now please don't judge me too harshly for this next part. I was desperate. And it was her idea. She offered. Please vouch for me with her therapist when this comes up in the future as one of those horrible memories of her adolescence.

Molly, dear Molly, took pity on me and offered to finish the backs of my legs. Like I said, I was desperate. At that moment it seemed like I was doomed to be a hairy, half-waxed beast until the rest grew back, or take the offer. I hang my head in shame to admit I took the offer.

Thankfully, this did get the whole ordeal over quite quickly. It also gave Molly some insight into a career she would NOT enjoy pursuing!

Finally, much more humbled, much less hairy, I got in the bath to oil myself up. Yeah. I said oil myself up. Wax does not wash off. Wax has to be rubbed with blue oil until it comes off. The blue oil comes in a tiny little bottle, with a tiny little hole, in tiny little drops. I was fed up with that in about 2 seconds. So I reached for a bottle of extra virgin olive oil. In the tub. With all my kids.

As I looked around at all my lovely children, I thought about how much they like to talk and tease and tell amusing stories about Mommy. So I did what any wonderful Mommy like me should do. I threatened, pleaded and swore them all to secrecy. Of course I know that will only last until the first time they see any other person in the world. And I realize the nice, old, surfer-type dude working the cash register at Trader Joe's doesn't read my blog, but this gives me practice. So I am ratting myself out. It just seems better this way.



All the nice comments really made my day! I totally appreciate all my friends and family who are regular readers. A couple of the responses surprised me! It's great to hear from folks I don't know or just didn't know were reading!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to Trees!

I just noticed it's been one year since my first post. In that time, I've posted 62 times. In the beginning, I really thought I'd manage more than that!

Then there were the times I thought I'd never post again. I guess we all have our ups and downs with this sort of thing. We get bored, we get busy, we have nothing to say.

Sometimes I feel like I am just talking to myself. I have to hope there are folks out there reading but not commenting as I do to many of your blogs. How about a shout out on this one just to let me know you are there?!

All-in-all, I am pretty proud of my blog. It represents me and some of what is important to me at this moment of my life.

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have enjoyed writing and that in the future, I can keep coming up with topics of interest for you and for me!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Google Books

Thought all you book lovers out there might want to check this out! Google's new way to search books .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just A Thought...

Humans are the only animals on the planet that create trash!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's All About Rowan!

I don't usually post things about my kids without relating it to the eco-friendly life, but I came across this photo and just had to share. It cracks me up all over again every time I see it.

If you know Rowan, you know this picture captures her perfectly. Center of attention, cute, confident and happy. Nevermind that the picture was supposed to be about Great Grandpa and the new baby, my little gymnast steals the show!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No T.P. for Pee Pee

I am sure I lost some of my 3 readers just with my title, but I will charge on nevertheless...

Since February, I have been using Family Wipes. Yes, dear reader, I threatened it, you were horrified, but I was undaunted. I am a Family Wipe fan!

Let me count the reasons why...

1. Absorbency - I was still pregnant when I bought these and was having issues with, let's just say, dryness. Cloth is obviously much more absorbent than paper. Dryness is achieved with one wipe of a folded square cloth instead of the handful of wadded tissue most use.

2. Cleanliness - Beyond just dryness, I was having an issue with toilet paper dingleberries. (Okay, fine... that's t.m.i. Like I'm the only person it's ever happened to though!) This is completely eliminated with cloth. Well, maybe I find a little lint now and then, but so what?

3. No emergency trips to the store - I hate running to the store. There is no such thing as a quick trip with 4 kids. Washable t.p. to the rescue again!

4. Millions of trees - It is estimated that over 7 million trees are used to produce the toilet paper for the United States EACH YEAR. This number could be drastically reduced if people would buy recycled toilet paper, but most of us are much too spoiled with that "cloth-like" feeling. Why not just cut out the middleman and use cloth?

5. $ - Though the cloth wipes were a bigger expenditure at first than t.p. would be, over time they have definitely paid for themselves. Even with the 2 hold outs in the family, we have cut our paper usage drastically. I buy toilet paper in a 12 pack less than once a month now. Probably closer to once every other month.

I decided to buy my wipes, but they could easily be made for less money by any crafty person. Since buying mine, I keep coming across things to reuse as wipes that would need no alterations. Shoe mitts from hotel stays and surplus baby washcloths are abundant in my house!

I bought mine from Moo Cow Momma. I found her prices to be quite reasonable. I believe I purchased 25 wipes for $20 and I got to pick the fabrics! Her selection is vast and I had fun choosing my prints. She makes many other reusable cloth items as well. My next purchase will be her reusable organic cotton and bamboo tampons. Check out her website!

My entire family was appalled by the idea of washable wipes when I first brought it up. Rowan was the first to come around, and requested wipes of her own about a month after I got mine. Once those arrived, Lydia became an instant convert. To her credit, Molly actually tried the wipes, but thought they were "gross". Since we are just using them for #1, Wave was off the hook from the beginning.

So what to do about #2? The girls continue to use paper for that business. I use a flushable wipe. I find it cleans much better with less product than paper. Duh, really... You wouldn't wipe a baby's booty with paper, so why an adult?

Washing is simple. The wipes go into the laundry with Desmond's diapers. We do one full load a week and are done with it!

I find that getting used to cloth wipes was very simple. When I am away from home for any period of time, I really miss them. If you have ever even vaguely considered trying them I cheer you on to make the move!

Green Peace has issued a tissue guide to assist consumers in purchasing more eco-friendly toilet papers.

Learn about the history of toilet paper!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Making Sandy Jealous (Tee Hee!)

We just got home yesterday from nearly 2 weeks at the cabin. While my father-in-law's vacation home is comfortable, cozy and convenient it does lack one amenity. LAUNDRY!

This means I carry all the dirty sheets, towels and clothes, etc., home with me each time we stay there. I really don't mind it. It is a small price to pay for such a wonderful place to visit!

Today I issued a challenge to myself in regards to this mountain (I'm talkin' 7 garbage bags full, folks!) of laundry. How many loads could I wash and hang to dry in one day?

The weather was on my side. It was 94 degrees by the weather monitor on my computer, 105 by the one on my car. The number of errands we had to run was a strike in the negative column. I would have to change loads between trips to gymnastics, the library, grocery store & Target while also making a meal for a homeschool family and delivering it. Whew!

I am extremely proud say I was able to wash and dry 4 loads! Folding will have to wait....