Friday, January 21, 2011

Bunny Hypnotism

Lydia and Rowan have discovered they possess the power to hypnotize the bunnies!  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Dinner Friend

Wave poured balsamic vinegar and olive oil for our dinner bread, and look who showed up! Our totally unplanned on friend made our spaghetti dinner extra fun!
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bunny Play Time

The kits have been getting a lot of play time outside of the cage.  They seem to enjoy exploring, but soon curl up in a warm spot for a nice nap.  

We've been experimenting with names.  The girls originally gave them  names that match their colors.  Blackie, Brownie, Chinchilla & Pinkie.  I prefer Athos, Porthos, Aramis & d'Artagnan.  The girls like my names for the bunnies, but have trouble remembering which name belongs to each bunny!

Here's a name guide for you.

Black Kit = Blackie or d'Artagnan 
Brown Kit = Brownie or Athos
Gray Kit = Chinchilla or Porthos
Black & White Kit = Pinkie or Aramis

Do you notice I'm not asking if you want one any more?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What A Difference A Week Makes!

Our kits seem to have doubled their size overnight.  I took these pictures yesterday.  That's just one week after the pictures on my last post!

The bunnies have each taken on their own distinctive look.  One is white with black spots.  (Wave says it looks like a cow.) It looks the most like Jake.  The brown bunny has the floppiest ears.  Lydia calls the grey bunny Chinchilla.  I think the black baby has the sweetest face.

They haven't opened their eyes yet, I've read that happens around day 10.  They do move, though!  They have to be held securely, or they are liable to hop & crawl away! (That's what the white one is trying to do in the picture.)

So,  do you want one, yet? ;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

...And Multiply, And Multiply....

About a week ago, darling little Rowan decided to let both bunnies out of their cages at the same time.  She ran screaming to me as soon as Jake "attacked  Applecore on her back".  She later told me they had gotten married.  Sigh.  It's hard to be mad at such a cutie.

Applecore started nesting yesterday morning.  I assumed she was just a bit nutty.  They usually don't nest until hours before they deliver.  When she started pulling out her own fur to make the nest, I gave her nesting materials.

The kids & I left the house in the early afternoon to run errands and go to gymnastics.  When we got home, we noticed that Jake was not acting like his usual, sweet self.  Instead of coming to us for pets, he was following Applecore through their cage wall and "getting married" to his stuffed pig repeatedly.  I (again, wrongly) assumed he was just excited by the contact they'd had a few days before.

After dinner, I started cleaning the rabbits' cages.  That's when I noticed movement.  Under the pile of hay, bedding and fur in the corner of Applecore's cage, something I could not see was moving.

I was a tiny bit afraid a mouse had gotten into the house, but the truth seemed pretty obvious.  Applecore had had babies!

I called my friendly, local, rabbit expert, Loana to find out what to do.  She told me to check on the babies and that Applecore wouldn't care if I touched them.

When I felt around in the nest, I found four plump, wriggly little babies!

Since a rabbit's gestation period is around 30 days, Rowan could not be to blame for this litter.  Unfortunately, though, she's not completely off the hook.  My veterinarian friend, Arlene, tells me that a rabbit can become pregnant while pregnant (poor thing)!  That means we may see another litter in about 3 weeks.

If so, it will be the last!  Jake has an appointment with Dr. Arlene on the 14th to make sure he won't be instigating any more offspring.

Anyone want a bunny?