Monday, September 28, 2009

Perhaps I Should Do This More Often

Just cleaned the roller brush on my vacuum!

Do you think this is the reason it's smoking?

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Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today I am...

Making baby food from fresh plums.
Baking mango muffins.
Feeding Desmond.
Hard-boiling our weekly stash of eggs.
Reading library books to the girls.
Listening to Ben Folds.
Admiring the artwork of Lydia and Rowan.
Shredding cheese for different recipes I'll make in the next 2 weeks.
Mixing random stuff for trail mix.
Feeding Desmond.
Talking to Molly's boyfriend on the phone.
Answering email.
Changing diapers.
Feeding Desmond.
Sending Rowan to bed because she's being naughty.
Listening to Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.
Playing Uno Stacko with Lydia.
Listening to the Pixies.
Playing Scrabble.
Baking whole wheat onion bread.
Making Rowan's new favorite - Sloppy Joes and fries.
Watching Amazing Race.
Drinking coffee.
Folding laundry.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Pick Up No - by Rowan

His real name is Henry.
His favorite animal is a shark.
He tries to squeeze you really hard but he's really hugging you.
He takes away the bad stuff just in case it makes you sick.
His favorite color is brown.
He is good but sometimes he is bad when he is rough-housing with his brothers who are ghosts.
He is a ghost. He is sort of a box. He does not look like this. -----> (Mommy note: arrow should point at drawing.)
Sometimes he takes away the bad stuff of your clothes.
One of his brothers said he farts real loud. Sometimes he toots. His brothers don't like it, but he likes it.
His feet are a circle and they are colored in. He sort of looks like this but not the arms because I couldn't make the arms because they are too hard.
He likes to be punched in the face. He wants me to do that every single day when I find him.
He is invisible. I find him with a flashlight that is also invisible.
He really likes to go to gymnastics.
From Rowan (he likes my name like this)
To the Pick Up No
He also likes a giraffe eating leaves.
He will like that we wrote this.
He is 14.