Sunday, November 20, 2011

Season's End

Today was the 2011 NorCal Level 4 State Championships.  As you can see from the photo, Lydia was not happy with her performance.

Happy Little Lumberjack

Luckily, her Lumberjack's Breakfast cheered her up pretty quickly!
 She really didn't do so badly, my Lydia is just hard on herself.  She got medals for every event.  You can see the scores in the chart I made up below. (I had to make my own.  I wasn't happy with the score tracker sites out there.)

Medal Wall!
I think Lydia had a great first season.  She placed in 35 out of 40 possible events.

Two of those medals were 1st place, one was 2nd and seven were 3rd place.

Lydia also holds the title of "Zone 4 Vault Champion".

We are super proud of her and can't wait for her Level 5 season!

Silly Kid

Date Meet Level Vault Bars Beam Floor A.A.

08/13/11 Meet At Mavericks 4 8.525 (13) 8.325 (7) 8.875 (3) 8.425 (6T) 35.150 (7)
08/20/11 2011 NAWGJ Judges Cup 4 8.900 (3) 8.025 (7T) 8.225 (8) 8.550 (8) 33.700 (7)
09/10/11 2011 River City Classic 4 9.175 (9T) 8.675 (4) 8.600 (4) 8.275 (12) 34.725 (4T)
09/17/11 Candyland Classic 4 9.275 (2) 8.725 (3) 8.625 (3) 8.625 (6) 35.300 (3T)
10/08/11 Tumble in the Jungle 4 8.700 (11T) 8.675 (6) 9.150 (3) 8.750 (11) 35.275 (6)
10/15/11 2011 Circus Parade 4 9.500 (1) 8.975 (3) 8.875 (4) 8.825 (6T) 36.175 (4)
10/30/11 Zone 4 Championships 4 9.525 (1) 8.300 (12) 8.750 (8) 9.275 (4) 35.850 (7)
11/20/11 NorCal State Championships 4 9.000 (8T) 8.925 (7) 8.975 (8T) 8.900 (8T) 35.800 (9)

~*Personal Bests*~
4 9.525 (1) 8.975 (3) 9.150 (3) 9.275 (4) 36.175 (3T*)

*Highest place does not coincide with highest score.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rowan Lost A Tooth!

Rowan is very happy to have lost her first tooth today!  She's been dying to lose one for years.  

I remember her as a tiny, little 3 year old saying, "Look, Mom, my tooth is wiggly!"  as she shook her entire jaw at me.  

This tooth started wiggling for real on the morning of Halloween.  She played with it so much that day I was sure it would be out by nightfall.  It hung on for 10 more days despite the constant attention from it's owner.  This morning, Rowan decided she'd had enough and pulled it all on her own!

Although she tells me she doesn't believe in the tooth fairy, Rowan will still be putting her first tooth in the lovely box she got from her friends Eva and Irenie for her birthday.

Update!  Rowan's best friend, Ciara, pulled her loose tooth on the same morning as Rowan did.   They really do do everything together!