I just returned from a trip to Trader Joe's, and I must make a confession. I am weak. I have once again succumbed to the siren call of convenience food. I am blaming it on the baby.
When I entered the store I felt full, even bloated. I was confident that this would keep me from making rash purchases. But the overwhelmingly delicious smell of the pasta dish they were serving as free samples and the sight of my favorite ginormous carrot cakes combined to cause my stomach to growl uncontrollably.
Actually, I made it past the premade lunch section with ease on my first pass. It is located right near the entrance and I breezed right by it. The problem came when I decided to peruse the section again while Molly took Rowan to the potty.
By that time, I was weak and shaking with hunger. The vegetarian sushi was calling out to me. As I reached for the sushi ($2.99 for 8 pieces) I spied the Eggless Egg Salad right next to it. I have been meaning to make this myself and just haven't gotten to it. It seemed suddenly irresistible. I then recalled the two slices of dill rye bread and sprouts at home. The delightful sandwich came together perfectly in my mind as I place the overpriced ingredient into my cart.
Now as I sit here, full of my sushi and once again feeling bloated, I think more rationally. I just paid $2.69 for 6oz of Eggless Egg Salad. I could have made 14oz for $1.29. That is quite a mark-up! I feel foolish.
I can only hope that when I eat that sandwich tomorrow (or in a few hours, to be perfectly honest) it is as delicious as my slobbering grocery store fantasies promised it would be.
(Me playing air guitar to a rockin' song by Reeveoliver.) ------->
You deserve a the overpriced and already made egg salad sandwhich!! :) Once I bought about 5 gallons of different juices...must have been thirsty on that grocery trip!!
Sure, already blaming things on the new kid!
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