Thursday, October 16, 2008

Meat Eater Gone Vegetarian - by Veronica

I keep laughing at myself this month, noticing little changes in my body while I'm a vegetarian. For one, I poop 4 times a day now. I used to poop twice at the most. I'm hungry ALL the time. And I'm full of gas. Big huge air-farts escape me constantly. They don't smell, at least not horribly bad. I've been wondering over the last couple weeks, why I have lost weigh but my stomach hasn't gone down any. BECAUSE IT'S FULL OF GAS!!! HA!

I have noticed that I'm a lot more calm and stress-free, especially around my period. I was telling my Yoga instructor (who happens to be a Vegetarian-of course) how less-aggressive and angry I am. She said "because meat harbors anger and fear and when you eat meat, you are allowing anger and fear to enter your body." Wow! Now I'll probably never eat meat again!

It's been easy though, except when I'm making the kids scrambled eggs with cheese. I always eat about 1/2 of it while I'm cooking, its soooo good. But Bocca, Garden Burger, and Morning Star make such good veggie cakes to make sandwiches out of, I haven't missed chicken or beef or pork at all! I like to saute the patties in olive oil, then place them on a whole wheat hamburger bun with mayo, pickles, tomato, spinach leaves, and a slice of mozzarella. I haven't eaten one veggie thing yet that I don't like. LOVE the spicy bean patties and the Italian ones too. I've been putting Silk Soy milk in my cereal at work and the Almond milk in my cereal at home. That shit is delicious! Way better than milk.

John has been doing the veggie thing with me all month. Although he cheated one time and had some fish at lunchtime. I accidentally cheated twice (not on purpose). I ate a deviled egg at a potluck and I had a salad once with tiny bacon bits in it.

It's definitely been cheaper too! I've saved approximately $15 a week [on groceries], so $60 a month.

Anyway, just wanted to give you an update. I don't think I'll go Vegetarian forever, but I am definitely going to really, really limit my meat eating once October is over.

My MOST Favorite Salad

"Handful of Yummy"
Handful of spinach leaves
Handful chopped Romaine lettuce
Handful dried cranberries
6 Strawberries-sliced
1/2 handful of blue cheese crumbles
Handful of pecan pieces
Balsamic Dressing, not a handful (that's too messy)



Melissa said...

Wow, this was a very descriptive post...I almost spit coffee all over my computer (at work) reading about your poop and farts! :-)

jen. said...

I love the way you write, V! So funny!

I love Almond Breeze (almond milk) too! Compared to 2% milk, it has less calories & fat plus more iron & vitamin E. It is equal to milk in vitamins A & D. Calcium is, of course, lower in Almond Breeze. I don't ever drink milk, it is icky. I will drink a glass of Almond Breeze, though. It is great in cereal. The added bonus is that you can keep a couple extra in the cupboard and they don't spoil! That is a lifesaver for when we run out of milk and it isn't convenient to go to the store.

susie said...

I am not so sure this is a great advertisement for going meatless!!! Pooping more and farting all of the time don't seem worth it!! Actually, my Dr says we should poop as much as we eat. but I don't know if I believe that! I will never go completely meatless...I love meat, but I really didn't mind our week without! I need to use the tofu that I have in the fridg!!!

Truefan said...

Fart, fart, fart, fart, fart... Now I understand Jen's belching- gas out of both ends! Ha, ha, ha!!!

Unknown said...

I thought southern women don't "faht."