Friday, October 17, 2008

The Nose Knows

I have been sick all week. During that week, I blew my nose about a million times. Now, I don't regularly buy any type of Kleenex-type product, we use good old t.p. for the occasional nose blowing. We are generally a very healthy family, so this really doesn't come up often. Towards the end of the second long day of sickness, I was regretting my frugal nature. I would have done just about anything for a nice, soft tissue to use on my poor, broken nose.

Wave had also been sick and purchased a 3 pack of travel-sized Kleenex from Target for $.99. ($o.o22/tissue) I commandeered the remaining 2 packs while he was at work. My nose was grateful for the change, but my hands got the short end of the stick. Every time I blew my nose, all the disgusting snot ended up going through the tissue and all over my hands. That meant much more handwashing and much drier hands.

Once I ran out of the Kleenex, I searched the house frantically for anything else to use. Buried under a bunch of other junk in the bathroom cupboard, I found 2 travel packs of Trader Joe's tissue paper. When I opened the first one up and used it, I was overjoyed! These tissues are HUGE! I actually felt like I was not using up enough of each one. While not super-soft, they were still a huge improvement over t.p. As a bonus, they are made of 100% recycled, 35% post consumer product. They are cheaper than the Kleenex travel pack. They come in a 10 pack of 10 tissues each for $1.29. That works out to only $o.0129/tissue.

Wave came home with more tissues for me once the TJ's brand was gone. This time it was 2 nice big boxes of Puffs plus lotion. Of course, the large size was nice, the lotion felt great. Only draw back - all that lotion gave me a zit right on my nose. My husband does not remember how much he paid for them. After some online research, I will guesstimate that the box of 132, 2 ply tissues cost about $1.99. That would equal $0.015 per tissue.

Overall, my choice for best tissue is the Trader Joe's. They are the cheapest and have a big size for a travel pack. They are also the most environmentally responsible. Most importantly, they come from my favorite store!


Melissa said...

Yesterday it was poop and farts and today snot...there is a lot of usually unmentionable body stuff being written about on this blog!

Unknown said...

Don't forget the leg shaving. Ew! And Jen was using a disposable razor. Double ew!

Janet said...

I hate being sick! I hope that you are all better now! :)

Truefan said...

Now aren't glad you had even the TP to blow your nose on... just imagine if you had to use those poo rags your were talking about! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! What a picture that brings up. Sorry you weren't feeling well in the first place. Just one more thought for you regarding the price of tissue; can you say DOLLAR STORE?