Friday, October 10, 2008

Maim Your Television

So, the popular phrase is actually, "Kill Your Television". I'm not advocating that you go that far. I must admit that I too, love to suckle at the teat of Mother Television on occasion. When I am sick or depressed, there is nothing like a good t.v. binge to make me forget my woes.

I am only suggesting that you maim your television by getting rid of cable. In these times of a plummeting economy and skyrocketing prices, this is an obvious luxury that can go. My home has been cable free for about 6 months now. We had been paying $99.09 for cable and internet connection per month. When we ditched the cable, we became eligible for my husband's company to pay the internet portion. That has reduced our monthly bills by a significant amount. Overall, we have saved $594.54!

We still have more than enough television to watch. About 6 stations come in with just rabbit ears. We also have plenty of other things to watch between educational DVDs from the library, our own movie collection and Netflix. I wish we could go a day without turning the darn things on!

I know, I know, it may hurt a little to think of missing all those reality shows on Bravo, and the cooking on the Food Network but you will get used to it. We are living proof that life does go on without the warm arms of Mother Cable to enfold you. Go buy yourself a present with the money you saved and get over it!


Matt said...

Mother Cable is going digital... Go to to get your converter box so your rabbit ears will still work! :]

Unknown said...

I already have two $40 vouchers ready and waiting for the conversion. Sad that our 'public' airwaves now have an additional cost to access them.

Janet said...

We never had cable growing up and I think we did end up reading more books or going outside to play because of it.

Truefan said...

"suckle at the teat of Mother Television", "the warm arms of Mother Cable to enfold you"... are we taking a creative writing class Jen? OK, I've got to admit it's a good idea - even better to get rid of the TV altogether. I do remember that as a good time when you were young. Don't know that I have the will in my "old age". But, if we were forced to cut because we were out of money, I could say goodbye without too many tears. Good post.

Have to go now... one of my favorite shows is on!