Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello, White House...

Today we called the White House.  I didn't think anyone would answer, I just thought it'd be cool to see what the answering machine said.

I put the phone on speaker and dialed.

Guess what?  Someone answered!

(Not President Obama, himself,  as my photo would mislead you to believe...  Just a secretary, or operator, or the like.)

When the woman's voice said, "Hello, White House", I was pretty stunned.  I hadn't prepared to say anything!  I almost hung up, but instead stammered, "Uh,  how's the weather there today?" (I know, so lame.)  In a bit of an irritated voice she replied, "I don't know, I haven't been outside in 5 hours."  I thanked her and hung up.

Molly wouldn't believe us that we had called, so she hit redial on my phone.
"Hello, White House."
"Is this really the White House?"
"How hard is it to get to talk to the President?"
"You would have to go through his scheduling office for that."
"Okay,  when is the President's birthday?"
"You can go to the website and find all that information in his bio."
"Okay, bye."

I wonder how many idiotic phone calls like ours they get per day?  If you'd like to be one, just dial (202) 456-1414.  Say "hi" for me!


Kim said...

That is pretty incredible. You should have asked if Myra Mains was there.....:-)

I find it hilarious that Molly called back the second time.

Matt said...

You prank called the White House!

Janet said...

I can't wait to ask them if their fridge is running!

Janet said...

I can't wait to ask them if their fridge is running!

Nichole said...

HAHAHAHA. this is GREAT!True homeschooling at its finest!