Molly wanted to go shopping for her birthday today. We left the house about 1:30. I had my shopping bags, my purse, my coffee, water bottles for each of us, a leotard for Rowan to change into later and supplies to do her hair. I did not have the baby bag.
Unfortunately, I didn't notice this until Desmond pooped. Across town. At 4:30. No where near a store that sells diapers.
I really didn't want to drive to a store and buy disposables. We have been using them at night to keep Des from getting a rash, but I am hoping we don't have to buy more than the one package.
I had also been in 6 stores by this point in the day, and couldn't stand the thought of loading everyone in the car, driving, unloading & loading up again. I still had to feed 5 children and drop off Molly & Savannah before going to the gym.
My other options raced through my head...
Leave him in the stinky diaper. - No, his skin is way too sensitive.
Let him go diaperless. - No way! We won't be home for at least 3 hours.
Find something in the car to use as a diaper. - It's just been cleaned out and only the things we need are in it.
Buy something to use as a cloth diaper. - That's it!
I scanned the shopping center and decided to try World Market. As soon as I entered the kitchen section I came across flour sack dish towels. They'd definitely work & I'd love to have them, but I didn't want to pay $10. I perused the cloth napkins, but they usually have to be washed before they have any absorbency. Then I spied a microfiber dishtowel. It claims to "hold 7 times it's weight in water". It's also on sale. 50% off $5.99. Yay!
Molly helped me change Desmond with the wipes I keep in the van. We reused the diaper cover he had on and one of her plastic shopping bags for the dirty diaper. Then we were on our way...
I have to say, I am totally proud of myself. I handled the situation without compromising my principles with needless driving and buying of disposable products. I would rather have not bought anything at all, but at least that dishtowel will be used for years to come in our home. Yay, me!
Anyone else have a MomGyver story to share?
1 comment:
You are a super mom! I love that you only want to buy one package of disposable diapers. :)
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