Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What A Difference A Week Makes!

Our kits seem to have doubled their size overnight.  I took these pictures yesterday.  That's just one week after the pictures on my last post!

The bunnies have each taken on their own distinctive look.  One is white with black spots.  (Wave says it looks like a cow.) It looks the most like Jake.  The brown bunny has the floppiest ears.  Lydia calls the grey bunny Chinchilla.  I think the black baby has the sweetest face.

They haven't opened their eyes yet, I've read that happens around day 10.  They do move, though!  They have to be held securely, or they are liable to hop & crawl away! (That's what the white one is trying to do in the picture.)

So,  do you want one, yet? ;)

1 comment:

Janet said...