Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bunny Play Time

The kits have been getting a lot of play time outside of the cage.  They seem to enjoy exploring, but soon curl up in a warm spot for a nice nap.  

We've been experimenting with names.  The girls originally gave them  names that match their colors.  Blackie, Brownie, Chinchilla & Pinkie.  I prefer Athos, Porthos, Aramis & d'Artagnan.  The girls like my names for the bunnies, but have trouble remembering which name belongs to each bunny!

Here's a name guide for you.

Black Kit = Blackie or d'Artagnan 
Brown Kit = Brownie or Athos
Gray Kit = Chinchilla or Porthos
Black & White Kit = Pinkie or Aramis

Do you notice I'm not asking if you want one any more?


Janet said...

They are so cute and awkward at the same time! I really like them! Welcome to the family, little bunnies. :-)

Does Alex mind them? Guinea pigs and rabbits get along, but I was curious about cats and rabbits.

jen. said...

Alex seems to be pretty uninterested. She will occasionally visit with Applecore. They put their noses together through the cage. Alex hasn't tried to come in the kitchen when the baby gate is up, and that is the only time the bunnies are out.

susie said...

I really hope you are kidding! That is going to be a lot of animals in the house...