Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Making Sandy Jealous (Tee Hee!)

We just got home yesterday from nearly 2 weeks at the cabin. While my father-in-law's vacation home is comfortable, cozy and convenient it does lack one amenity. LAUNDRY!

This means I carry all the dirty sheets, towels and clothes, etc., home with me each time we stay there. I really don't mind it. It is a small price to pay for such a wonderful place to visit!

Today I issued a challenge to myself in regards to this mountain (I'm talkin' 7 garbage bags full, folks!) of laundry. How many loads could I wash and hang to dry in one day?

The weather was on my side. It was 94 degrees by the weather monitor on my computer, 105 by the one on my car. The number of errands we had to run was a strike in the negative column. I would have to change loads between trips to gymnastics, the library, grocery store & Target while also making a meal for a homeschool family and delivering it. Whew!

I am extremely proud say I was able to wash and dry 4 loads! Folding will have to wait....


Unknown said...

Oh dang! The weather has settled into a summer pattern in San Francisco, which means my Sunset backyard rarely sees the sun. Actually, it's been so foggy, the pavement is wet. My laundry has been inside, taking almost 24 hours to air dry.

Next time I'm coming to visit you, I'll bring my laundry to dry!

Janet said...

You're making me feel lazy! haha

Kim said...

I love to do laundry. One of the few chores I do enjoy doing Ü

Truefan said...

Bring you handy dandy drier when you come to visit. We have plenty of laundry to do. (We just want to make you feel at home! :-)