Monday, July 5, 2010

An Enchanted Fourth

 The Watson clan spent the 4th of July enjoying traditional Enchanted Valley activities.  First, the children paraded around the parking lot & pool areas.

Where's Watson? (Find 4 of us in this photo.)

Desmond enjoyed repeatedly petting all
the dogs.  He was too distracted to march with the other kids.  

                                   Molly watched from the sidelines with a friend.

Lydia, Rowan & David played in the annual wiffle ball game.  After one turn in the outfield and one at-bat, Lydia decided the game was not for her.  We are proud of her for trying something new on her own, though!

Rowan was the surprise star of the day.  She hit the ball both times she got to bat (without the tee!) and made it to first base.  Unfortunately, Daddy was up after her and hit a pop fly for the 3rd out.


Truefan said...

Hey! Great pictures!!! Glad you had fun on the fourth... regarding picture with four Watsons; Des in front of Rowan. Lyd in green flip flops. Dave in sandals. Love you guys! :-)

jen. said...

Nice try, Dad, but I'm only giving you credit for Lydia! I need some description on Rowan, since Desmond is NOT in front of her. You're way off on Wave!

Who's next?

Kim said...

Nice to see some pics of the cabin and the fun you are having there! Hurray!

Janet said...

That parade is so cute! What a neat tradition! Just imagine if there were cats in the parade! Desmond would have been double time happy! :p Next year you could bring Alex?

Truefan said...

Hey... where's my post? I made a guess about the four Watsons just a few minutes after you posted them... so again; Rowan behind Des. Lyd in the green flip flops. Dave in the sandles. Love you. Thanks for the pictures!

Truefan said...

ooooops... sandals (don't want the scrabble police to get me!!!

jen. said...

I don't know what happened to your post! I got it in my email & answered it then they both disappeared.

Anyway, you only get credit for Lydia so far. Des is NOT in front of Rowan and you are way off on Wave! You probably have Rowan right, but I need more description. Try clicking on the picture to make it bigger. Xoxo.

susie said...

I love the pics! Would like to have prints of a few of them for my album!I can only see Lydia and I did enlarge it!!!Is that Rowan at the end of the line? You behind the crowd near the snack bar? Desmond looking off of the pic on the right?
Who knows!!! Glad you are having a good time!

jen. said...

Mom has found Rowan and Des! Just one left...

(BTW, you can save the pics to your comp and print.)

sassafras said...

ok, seriously? Lydia is almost at the top of the line, with that 'other' girl looking back at her, Rowan is at the end of the line, Desmond is looking at the dog, and you are talking to some dude in a stripy shirt (you, not the dude) MISS YOU!!!!! WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK!!!!?????