Monday, March 15, 2010

Fun With Words

I like words.  I like playing with words.  I like thinking about words.  I like knowing how to properly use and spell words. I like learning new words.  I like kicking your butt at Scrabble.

But I digress...

I just came across this dictionary while explaining to Molly the definition of  "cut a rug" and proving I hadn't made it up.

We had the most fun with this feature.  You can vote on your usage (or lack of usage) of random words.

Just a warning, this is SLANG.  There is quite a bit of naughty stuff in there!

I read a book a couple a months ago in which one character asked another what her favorite word was.  It took me a while to think of my favorite word, but as soon as I stopped thinking about it, it popped right into my head.

Lave.  I'll let  you look it up.  It sounds sinister and sexy to me, but has such a clean meaning. ;)

What is your favorite word?


Matt said...

My favorite word is: obfuscate

My favorite street name that I have to know is: Segovia

I use to define the crazy words I see on the internet :-]

Truefan said...

Selcouth... and no, that was not my word verification! :-)

Melissa said...

What was the conversation about that brought up "cut a rug"?

jen. said...

The selcouth phrase that obfuscated Molly was from a new (I guess) song by Train.

I also had to explain who Mr.Mister was.

sassafras said...

Hi Jen! My favorite words are tapete and leche. i am attached to sassafras. and incidentally, Segovia is my dad's last name (it's also the name of a town in Spain)

Unknown said...

I can't say what my favorite word is, but "chanterelle" rolls off the tongue nicely. Not to mention it's quite tasty with butter and parsley.

My girls are crazy for the PBS show "Word Girl," where, oddly enough, they have a "Favorite Words" segment.