Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today I am...

Making baby food from fresh plums.
Baking mango muffins.
Feeding Desmond.
Hard-boiling our weekly stash of eggs.
Reading library books to the girls.
Listening to Ben Folds.
Admiring the artwork of Lydia and Rowan.
Shredding cheese for different recipes I'll make in the next 2 weeks.
Mixing random stuff for trail mix.
Feeding Desmond.
Talking to Molly's boyfriend on the phone.
Answering email.
Changing diapers.
Feeding Desmond.
Sending Rowan to bed because she's being naughty.
Listening to Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.
Playing Uno Stacko with Lydia.
Listening to the Pixies.
Playing Scrabble.
Baking whole wheat onion bread.
Making Rowan's new favorite - Sloppy Joes and fries.
Watching Amazing Race.
Drinking coffee.
Folding laundry.


Kim said...

You had a busy Sunday. Mine wasn't that action packed but I will be joining you in watching the Amazing Race later tonight!

Janet said...

Mango muffins and plum baby food for baby Desmond sound amazing! I like your music throughout your day :)

Matt said...

"Talking to Molly's boyfriend on the phone."

About what???

"Sending Rowan to bed because she's being naughty."

I don't believe she can be naughty!

jen. said...

Molly makes her boyfriend talk to me about their plans. He was calling to ask if she could come over. Then for some reason, he told me that he had to get up at 7am to chop down a tree.

Rowan was being agro about gymnastics. She was trying to do a perfect running handstand to bridge to bridge kickover. She started screaming when I told her to take a break and stop crying about it! She is literally crazy about gymnastics.

Matt said...

I would watch your reality tv show :]