Monday, November 17, 2008


I am running a little low on topics lately. Except for the occasional break for other things, I like to keep this blog focused on ways I try to conserve the earth's resources. After 40 something posts, I am having trouble coming up with new ideas.

Actually, let me rephrase that. I am having trouble following through with new ideas. There are things I want and plan to do at some point, I just lack motivation.

So I thought I would post my list of intentions and then hand the reigns over to you. If you try or have already tried any of these, share your experience here. Help to motivate me, and others, to do more for the environment!

1. Homemade Kitty Litter
2. Reusable Bathroom Wipes (Family Wipes)
3. Homemade Dishwasher Detergent
4. Homemade Peanut (or Sunflower Seed)Butter
5. Canning
6. Cloth Diapers (Especially good sources to get them.)
7. Growing a More Plentiful Container Garden (I need tips!)
8. Freedom From Hallmark Holidays (How to stop buying cards and gift just because the calendar tells us to.)
9. Organic Baby Formula



Matt said...

This is a cloth diaper company that is in Bullhead City...

Denise K. said...

Although we recycle regularly, I tend to get lazy and use paper plates, napkins, and cups...until recently when I have made a concerted effort to use cloth napkins and cut down on the paper stuff.

I also use the cloth grocery bags instead of paper, and have been turning off the water when I brush my teeth...although I used to be much more careless. Also, I read an article that it uses less water to run the dishwasher than to do all the now almost everything goes in the dishwasher!

We live in Boulder County and everyone here is very green so I am made more aware and will keep trying new tips to save where we can. Thanks for your ideas!

BTW, I LOVE your blog caption about being is the best!!!

Best wishes from Colorado,
Denise :-)

Unknown said...

I have dabbled in putting food by; cloth diapered my 2nd kid (who is recently potty trained -- yay!); am the scrooge to several holidays; and produced organic baby formula.

The fancy schmancy term for my organic baby formula is "breastmilk" or "mother's milk." Both of my kids were raised on this stuff, even as I worked 60+ hours outside of the home. Did I mention I had to travel for my job? The longest time I had to travel while Erin was a baby was a week, when I was teaching in San Diego.